This soap is packed with amazing goodness for your skin. I avoided using any heavy oils and butters (like palm and shea) so that it doesn't clog pores. With ingredients like activated charcoal, aloe vera, and tea tree, your skin will thank you.
SCENT: This soap is lightly scented with all-natural essential oil blend of mostly Tea Tree and a touch of Lavender.
INGREDIENTS (in order of weight): ~ Vegan, All-Natural, and Palm-Oil Free ~ Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera Liquid, Sodium Hydroxide, Sunflower Seed Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Avocado Oil, Castor Oil, Essential Oil Blend { tea tree & lavender }, Bamboo Activated Charcoal. SIZE: - these bars weigh about 5 oz in weight - bar dimensions are 3.5" w x 2.5" h x 1.125" d
TIPS FOR EXTENDING THE LIFE OF YOUR SOAP Place your soap in a dish that drains (not flat on the tile or in a non-draining dish!) and ensure that it doesn't get wet between uses. This is optional, but it will definitely make your soap last longer.